Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Wednesday 7/16/08
Tony came home with hand picked flowers. :) Unfortunately, I wasn't home to get them right away, I was across the street scrapbooking with friends. :) I think this is one of my favorite pictures ever!

Thursday 7/17/08
Spent the day cleaning, studying, and scrapbooking some layouts to frame. This one was almost done. I put it in the gift exchange at our MOMS Club End of the Year Banquet. My friend grabbed it, hope she likes it. :)
Friday 7/18/08
A few of my friends were heading to base to take the kids swimming, so Carlee and I joined them. Carlee had a blast as usual. At the pool, I ran into another friend and found out that the guys had gotten off of work at like 11:30! I wish I had known, I would have told Tony to take the duty van all the way to base. Oh well... After swimming, I picked up some groceries, ran some errands, and headed home.
Saturday 7/19/08
Our End of the Year "Banquet" was Mexican theme, so I took my sombrero. LOL Banquet is in quotes, because it wasn't anything fancy, just a normal get together. We were supposed to play some games, but just ended up relaxing, eating our food, talking, and exchanging gifts. It was really nice to get out though. This was taken after I got home. I had meant to take a pic there, but forgot...
*I forgot two days in a row to take a pic! I was so busy.... I kept thinking, hey I'm actually doing something interesting, I should take a picture... but then kept forgetting.

Tuesday 7/22/08 (today) *It would seem that green is my favorite color to wear, huh? LOL It's really pink*

This is the magnifying glass I bought Carlee the other day. She's been having so much fun going around the house looking at everything. She's so cute. I can't wait to start homeschooling again. I took a break for me to take this English class, and I'm going to start back up with Carlee in August. Speaking of the English class..... sigh.... I've been working on my paper all day today. I finally finished it around 9 and although it's not a great paper, I turned it in anyway. I'm tired of looking at it. Tired of re-reading it. Tired of overanalyzing what else I could possibly do to the paper. I figured out that I only need 50% on the paper and 50% on the final in order to pass the class with a 70%. I'm sure I will get better than a 50 on both, so I'm not worried anymore. Just tired of this class. I've still got to read this week's and next week's lessons, post discussions, take the quizzes, and finally take the final exam next week. I'm aiming for Tuesday since I'll be at base anyway, but we'll see....

I'm really really looking foward to being done. I think the past few weeks are finally catching up with me. I'm so ready for a break. I had another post to write, but I'm tired... I'm going to veg out in front of the TV for a bit with Tony. :)


Bar L. said...

Great pics....love the one with our eye and the mag. glass!