Monday, June 30, 2008

Like Whoa...

Thursday 6-26-08 Studying Some more... My midterm is due this week already!

Friday 6-27-08 Got all my school work done during the day, so I enjoyed stamping with a few friends after Carlee went to bed. They left around 10, and I stamped a little more. :)

Saturday 6-28-08 Enjoying a snack from a Vegan Care Package a good friend sent us. :D

Sunday 6-29-08 We went to the BEACH!!! Enjoyed a day in the sun... too bad the drive is almost 2 hours to get to that particular beach, AND it was packed. We still had fun though. :0)

Monday 6-30-08 WOOHOO!!!! Ultrasound and 20 week appointments today! So... it's a BABY!!! :D


Emy said...

they weren't able to tell you??? oh man! did you get that dumb guy who takes forever and keeps pushing on your bladder??

Sheena said...

LOL no, I know. :D I was just keeping it suspenseful. heh. But I did get a guy that took forever. My ultrasound with him took an hour and a half, then another doctor wanted to come look around (for what reason I have no idea,) and pushed the appointment close to 2 hours. And I had another appointment to catch! I'm gonna post the baby news/pictures today when I get a chance. :D