Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

(Remember to have a heart for animals too!)

Today, Carlee and I went to MOMS Club Valentine Lunch Bunch. I didn't have a chance to make anything, so I cheated and threw a pizza in the oven. The commissary just started carrying Amy's roasted vegetable pizza again, and it is SOOO good. So, anyway, I took it, and everyone loved it. No one could believe it was so good since it was a vegan pizza (who knew vegan food could be so good?) So now, everyone was talking about buying it, so hopefully it will help the demand a little, and the commissary will keep it on the shelves.

We don't have any big plans for Valentine's. Tony already gave me my gift the other day, Jack Johnson's latest album. We might go out tonight, not sure. If not, I'll just make Tony's favorite recipe out of Veganomicon (the creole stuffed peppers and messy rice.) Possibly, if I'm feeling up to it, I'll make him some peanut butter cookies. :) And if I can find blood oranges at the market tomorrow, I will be making these delicious little things from VeganYumYum. Hopefully (if we're lucky) we'll have a belated Valentine's gift!!! lol :D


erin said...

Yay! love the Amy's pizza :) (and they have the best veggie burgers as well!)

We're headed to the Vegetariano restaurant tonight! I'm so excited!

Unknown said...

Got to love those november babies. ; )

Sheena said...

Erin- Amy's pizzas rock. I wish we had more of a selection here, but I am grateful for what we do have at least. Now, if only our store would keep them on the shelves. Hope you enjoyed dinner! :)

NB+1 - AHHH!!! KADI!!! I was just thinking about you the other day when we realized that if we conceived right away, she would be a November baby. hehe. Hope you guys are doing great!