Well, we got to have Daddy home for about 8 hours, 3 of those he had to nap thanks to exhaustion. He had to go back to the ship tonight, and left right before I started putting the girls to bed. They're taking it pretty well. I'm really surprised, since this was somewhat all of a sudden for them. We knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but found out pretty much last minute. The ship should be starting her workups soon, so hopefully the girls will continue to be just as easy going about all this as they have been so far.
I supposed I shouldn't put off C's study about Daddy's job and his duties any longer. I've had the idea swirling around in my mind lately and just haven't done the planning yet. I'm thinking about a scrapbook type project with the details of Daddy's job, the ship, his going away sometimes, etc. I will also have pages of pictures of them, and a place where she can put letters she receives from him. That sort of thing. I think it will help her understand more, and also, hopefully, give her comfort in the unavoidable times of missing him.
I've definitely reacted differently this time. When we were in Florida and he would leave for any amount of time I always felt somewhat devastated. We were newly weds though, and I was completely new to the military life. Every time he left, it broke my heart a little. Now, though, I think I am much stronger. I know what to expect. I think my growing relationship with God is truly the main reason for the change. He is giving me peace, and for me (since I've always dealt with anxiety,) that is such a faith building block. Having the kids now is another reason I've reacted differently. (better?) They make me want to be stronger, keep it together, and show them how to have faith that everything is in God's hands.
Kindergarten Graduation
It's so hard to break out of that K12 mentality I grew up with. I've come
to the realization (after C told me in her own little words) that I am
holding h...
14 years ago