Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Quick Trip

A few weekends ago, it was a beautiful sunny day. Warm and springlike! I asked T if we could go take pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses that my grandparents sent. So, we did. We only drove a few minutes up the road from housing, but just being out of housing's sight and seeing the country side was nice. We ended up having a rocking chair in the trunk of the car because we had planned on taking it to a friend's house before leaving housing, and I insisted we use it in the pictures. =)

T didn't want to be in any pictures. =( It was so nice to be out of the house. I'm hoping I can convince T to go sightseeing somewhere... (anywhere!) within the next few weeks, before we leave.

Monday, March 16, 2009

NSFW Diapers

Last night, I made 4 "Not So Flat Wrap" diapers in about an hour and a half! That included all tracing, cutting the diapers, cutting the soakers, sewing the soakers in and sewing/topstitching the diapers. Not bad! I was so excited to use them today:

"I feel pretty."
Mighty Mouse:
The fourth one is red with the words "I'm here for the presents" written across the bottom. It was a shirt I wore at Christmas... takes on a whole new meaning as a diaper! LOL As you can see, I used some of my most favorite old t-shirts! So, not only did I get 4 FREE diapers, but I also uncluttered my t-shirt drawer! Bonus!

A friend of mine had made me one of these a while ago, but I hadn't been using it because I couldn't get it to fit D right. Plus, my pins kept leaving holes! Well, after I figured out how much I had to fold them over since they're so stretchy, and after my friend told me I need to be using my snappi to close it.... Well, then I figured out that these are the most awesome things ever! They are so trim, fit really nicely under her Bummis Super Bright covers, and are soooo cute! and FREE! and SOOO completely easy to make! =D I will definitely be making more.

Friday, March 13, 2009

in His time

The other day while perusing our yard for interesting plants and bugs, C noticed this plant covered in "spike-ies" and "pricklies". Intrigued by the budding weed, I snapped a few pictures holding C's magnifying glass in front of it:It was very thorny, and I had no idea what it was, except an unwanted weed in the yard. The rest of it (stem and leaves and whatnot) was rather ugly, generally unpleasant to look at, rough and abrasive, definitely not welcoming and enjoyable.
Lo and behold, the next morning I peeked out the window and saw the scarlet flower had emerged. I didn't go outside to take a better look, but when a friend stopped by she mentioned it was a poppy. I hadn't even noticed. Later, I went and got a better look at the pretty little flower.
Out of something ugly and unwanted, emerged a refreshing and beautiful flower, all in His time. Not mine, not the flower's, but His. This little flower gives me hope about so many other things in my life. Reassurance that some things that might be "ugly," "thorny," or "unpleasant" right now, will emerge into something wonderful in His time. All I have to do is be patient and trust His timing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Day

was full of:
ant watching...
laughs and giggles...
playdough making (and playing)...
pumpkin bread baking...
organizing for the garage sale...
playing at the park...
Bible study and fellowship...
blog updating!!!

this picture sums up my thoughts...

I am so blessed.